The Haunting of Sharon Tate

“The Haunting of Sharon Tate” can be the first serious drama “Manson,” which is a pure, unaltered case of exploitation. The movie has nothing fascinating to add to the Manson dialogue that some of us have been holding for decades. Do not get close to events, on the contrary, they’re getting away from them. The madness of the film – its failure of imagination and morality – is that he is no longer in the process of turning Manson’s crimes and putting them on their shoulders.
The film itself is inert, because although it is about Sharon Tate and the three days he lived in Terry Melcher’s record producer’s home, along with his friends, even before they were sacrificed, we’re not sure exactly what what he wants to express. Sharon is performed by Hilary Duff, who is one of the filmmakers. It does not have that echo of Audrey Hepburn’s aristocratic elegance.

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