After a series of disturbing supernatural events in his home, Joel, a young single father, comes to suspect that his young son may be possessed. Soon Joel receives a visit from Father Lambert, a controversial exorcist in the city whose last patient passed away during his treatment. As chilling events begin to unfold, the priest informs a resilient Joel that unless he can perform a successful exorcism, the devil will soon take full control of his son...
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It’s a new year at summer riding camp, but this time everything is different: a new head counselor, new friends to make, and to bring him to life, the ranch laborer (Richard Karn) has a crush on the head riding instructor ( Terri Lee)! When he’s too nervous to reveal his feelings, the campers put aside the competition and come together to help him win his heart while building friendships that will last a lifetime...
Read More ...It tells the story of the paramedic William H. Pitsenbarger, who alone saved more than 60 people in the Vietnam War, and the investigation of a member of the Pentagon, Scott Huffman (Sebastian Stan), who worked against seeing and surpassing all the obstacles to the doctor being honored with the medal of valor...
Read More ...When Chris Watts begged stoically but with a mocking smile to the television cameras for the safe return of his missing pregnant wife Shanann and their two young daughters, dark secrets emerged just below the surface...
Read More ...August Wilson, the Pulitzer Prize winner who wrote the screenplays for “Fences,” “The Piano Lesson,” and “Come and Gone,” is one of America’s leading playwrights, a chronicler of the African-American experience with more than 10 plays, each set at a different time from the s. XX. Now, every year, thousands of young students gather in New York City to perform one of his monologues in a Broadway competition. Giving Voice closely follows the lives of six of those students as they develop their performances in hopes of faithfully representing Wilson’s legacy...
Read More ...In the search for a new and more humane society, a countercultural revolution takes the world by storm. In the first of the InterReflections trilogy, we looked out into the modern world and wondered how we managed to survive as long as we did...
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