Live-action version of the acclaimed tale about a puppet who embarks on a fast-paced adventure to become a real boy...
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Trapped on a hostile planet 4.2 million light-years from Earth with his commander and crew, Buzz Lightyear tries to find a way home through space and time...
Read More ...Animated film based on the Nintendo video game franchise Super Mario Bros. It will be produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of the license, and will be produced and animated by Illumination Entertainment (The Minion)...
Read More ...When Hilda wakes up as a troll, she must use all her wits and bravery to return home, become human again, and save the city of Trolberg...
Read More ...A young opossum makes a mistake when making a wish and freezes her entire hometown of Sanctuary City, thus threatening the lives of all its inhabitants...
Read More ...It’s about time the Justice League took notice of Shazam! (Sean Astin), but joining the best team of superheroes in the world is much more difficult when everyone has become children. LEGO DC: Shazam! Magic and Monsters will teach Billy Batson the virtues of trust as the hero fights against Mr...
Read More ...The rescue team experiences the most exciting treasure hunt of their lives when they must find a precious egg and protect it from evil pirates...
Read More ...Culminating six years of an adventure that began with the release of Justice League: War in 2014, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War features a planet Earth utterly devastated by the intergalactic tyrant Darkseid in which superheroes have barely been able to cope with war. The last remaining warrior strongholds must regroup to create a strategy that allows them to confront Darkseid for the purpose of saving the planet and its few survivors...
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